Fall beginner debate club registration now open!

Our Beginner Debate Club is a great way to introduce your child to public speaking and communication! Each semester, club members make new friends, learn about current events, and get lots of public speaking practice! Students will work with their coaches to write and prepare a  debate case while practice adding tone, inflection, body language, pacing, and other key speaking skills. This is a high-energy, active program filled with fun speaking games and activities that your child will absolutely love!

The Beginner Debate Club Membership includes:

- 6 Weekly Classes (1.5 hours)

- Weekly written updates

- Personalized end of semester progress update

- 6:1 student teacher ratio, guaranteed (Class size of 12, with 2 instructors per class).

- No homework!

Age Range

9-12 Years Old


5 pm - 6:30 pm ET


2 Militia Drive Lexington, MA 02421

Skill Level

Beginner - Intermediate


Classes: Oct 21 - Dec 2
View Fall Calendar Here!


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6 Weeks


$475 $595

Use discount code EARLYBIRD to get a $120 discount for a special price of $475, available until Aug 1, 2024

Lumos also offers a 5% sibling discount that will be issued as a refund within 48 hours of registration.

4:1 Student Teacher Ratio

We've found that, especially for online coaching, having a small class size is absolutely critical for making sure that every student gets to speak - even our shy or more reluctant students! The 4:1 student teacher ratio also means that our instructors really get to know each child's strengths and weaknesses and provide targeted coaching throughout the week.

Private Coaching Built-In

The most effective teaching we do is in one-on-one coaching with students. For each week's assignments, your child will receive individual feedback and coaching. In addition, during our class times, students will get a chance to practice giving speeches with live feedback on their unique strengths and weaknesses!

Signup for Special discounts and New program Announcements!

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